Doug Bergmann

Principal Broker

In the business to make a difference


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Our Company History

John L. Scott was founded in 1931 in the heart of downtown Seattle. From the beginning, we have been committed to raising the bar on ethics and standards in real estate. While we are the oldest local company in the Northwest, we’ve maintained our position as an industry leader by embracing innovations in technology, anticipating industry trends, and keeping a pioneering start-up mentality.

Meet Doug

Whether helping clients find their dream home or selling their residence, I will be extremely attentive, responsive and very thorough in providing constant attention and communication. My wealth of experience and extensive knowledge of the greater Portland area allows me to consistently identify key opportunities for my clients. I will take every measure to assure that all of your personal real estate goals are achieved.

Our Company History

John L. Scott was founded in 1931 in the heart of downtown Seattle. From the beginning, we have been committed to raising the bar on ethics and standards in real estate. While we are the oldest local company in the Northwest, we’ve maintained our position as an industry leader by embracing innovations in technology, anticipating industry trends, and keeping a pioneering start-up mentality.


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